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Hypnosis for Cancer & Oncology

Hypnotherapy has shown great value during cancer treatment. 


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Reduce or eliminate anxiety, fear, pain, hot flashes, and nausea. Encourage optimism, a sense of well-being, and healing imagery. Facilitate chemotherapy and surgery.

Women and Infants Program in Women’s Oncology Integrative Care Program.


What is hypnotherapy?

Recognized since 1958 by the American Medical Association, hypnotherapy has an important history of medical and dental benefits.  Placing a patient in a state of responsiveness – not sleep or unconsciousness – hypnosis is a way to focus the mind, very much like meditation. When the mind is focused and specific goals are set, people can accomplish many things they might not ordinarily consider possible.

Hypnosis is a graceful process of communication. Whether using self-hypnosis or working with a hypnotist, the process involves offering ideas or suggestions to the subconscious mind. The inner mind is capable of acting on information in ways that can be astonishing.


Hypnosis is completely safe, effective and enjoyable.  YOU are in control of your own body and mind during hypnosis.


What are the benefits of hypnotherapy?

Reduces or eliminates

  • Anxiety and fear

  • Pain

  • Hot flashes

  • Nausea

  • Encourages

  • Optimism and a sense of well-being

  • Healing imagery

  • Optimal experience in chemotherapy and surgery



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Why should I consider hypnotherapy?

The mind and emotions play dynamic roles in health.  Research shows that negative emotion such as stress is damaging, and that positive thought processes enhance health and healing.

  • Anxiety and stress – The tools and processes of hypnotherapy can be very useful for managing the anxieties, fears and challenges associated with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

  • Nausea – Suggestion and guided imagery can dissipate some or all of the physical or anticipated discomfort related to chemotherapy. Recorded discs can be used to enhance the overall process.

  • Hot Flashes – Suggestion can be beneficial in diminishing or eliminating hot flashes.

  • Pain – The management of pain is the most well-known and long-standing use of hypnosis in medicine.  Since the 1850s, hypnosis has been used with highly responsive people as the sole anesthesia during surgery.

  • Surgery – Suggestion and recorded discs can be used to prepare for surgery, optimizing response to surgery and anesthesia.  Recovery can be expedited.


Hypnotherapy sessions are conducted by Patrick Bowe, CH. Bowe is the director of the Providence Hypnosis Center.  PHC specializes in the use of communication tools such as hypnosis, NLP and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to address health and emotional issues.


Hypnotherapy for medical and mental health issues requires diagnosis and referral from a physician or mental health professional, we can refer  you to someone familiar with this work.

Providence Hypnosis Center


Helping  you and your loved ones overcome emotional discomfort.

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