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Hypnosis for Warts & Skin Care

Warts are a fascinating example of mind’s ability to create dramatic physical changes.


Dermatologists have long been familiar with the ability of hypnosis to eliminate warts, and often refer patients to us.

Concrete Wall
Warts can be quite bothersome to the person that experiences this discomfort on their hands, feet or other parts of her body.

We can help.

Photograph of warts before hypnotherapy and afterwards.

Dear Patrick,


I’m writing to thank you for what you’ve done for me.


Even though I’m still somewhat in shock over it, I must tell you it is quite empowering to realize that my mind (something I carry with me everywhere!) always had the power to control my healing process around my pain over the loss of my marriage and my physical problem with warts.


The words “thank you” do not suffice. I can only express my gratitude by passing on the information about what happened and helping to enlighten people to what you have discovered and are working to perfect.


For people who believe as we do, that good works are a reward in themselves, I feel proud to become part of your network of grateful clients who can spread a positive word about hypnosis and share my own amazing story.


When I came to see you in September of 2006, I had been suffering emotionally for over 7 years after my divorce. There was something in me that would not let go and the pain and misery was eating me alive. I had developed many warts over this time, a virtual explosion on my skin. I’d been to a dermatologist who had burned the first few off but they quickly returned. I’d seen two different naturopaths, each of whom tried a number of expensive and sometimes horrible-tasting remedies, to see which one my body might respond to. As is the nature of naturopathy, these remedies work much more slowly in the body than drugs, so I had to give them a lot of time to see if they would work.


After a period of about 2 years, it became clear that my body was not responding to any of the remedies, and the warts were continuing to grow. In August I finally went to another dermatologist to have them burned off but he actually recommended that he NOT treat me. Clearly, he said, my immune system was not functioning properly. He could burn them all off, which is very traumatic for the skin, but they would probably all grow back. Instead he recommended another type of treatment that he himself did not offer – hypnosis. By the time I came to see you a month later, I had 18 hideous warts on my hands and 2 on my feet. It looked horrible and I felt even worse. The shame and embarrassment was literally starting to change who I was, and I was becoming desperate.


Then everything changed. After the one session I had with you, the pain over my divorce felt like it had lifted. While I still have strong feelings of love and compassion for my ex-husband, I no longer feel as though I am drowning under the weight of the loss. To a great extent, I am healed. What happened next is even more amazing. One by one my warts began to flatten out and disappear. You can’t imagine how amazing this is to watch. I could literally see the changes on a daily basis. The time it took for them to disappear was much faster than the time it took for them to grow. I’m not only shocked, but my gratitude is beyond explanation. Patrick, you have restored me to myself, both emotionally and physically, and I will be forever grateful.


I have attached 2 photos – before and after – to show you the results of your wonderful work. Feel free to use my letter and my photos as a testimonial for your prospective clients. I would love to know that somehow my experience might help others decide to give hypnosis a try.


Thank you for everything. I wish you light and love and the very best of success in your pursuit of furthering the healing business of hypnosis in the world. You’re the best!



Paula R.

Providence Hypnosis Center


Helping  you and your loved ones overcome emotional discomfort.

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